The moon will be full this Sunday December 15 in the airy sign of Gemini at 3:02 am CST. Full moons occur every month when the sun and moon are in opposite signs at the exact same degree; for this particular full moon the sun will be at 23 degrees of Sagittarius and the moon will be in the opposite sign of Gemini at 23 degrees. Full moons can bring situations to completion and they can cast light on what is hidden. In astrology the moon rules our emotions so when the moon is full we can feel full of emotions. This is the last full moon of 2024.
Gemini is an air sign meaning this is a sign that places special emphasis on, thinking, analysis, communication and connecting with others. Gemini belongs to the mutable modality meaning this is a sign open to change and adaptability. These airy, cerebral and changeable qualities gives Gemini a nervous kind of energy. During a full moon in Gemini we can feel like things are moving a bit too fast, like we can’t keep up. For more earthy practical signs like Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo it can feel like things are out of control. This isn’t all bad though; a full moon in Gemini can get us thinking in a good way like considering an alternate solution to a problem. Maybe we felt there weren’t any solutions to our problem, maybe we felt stuck but a full moon in Gemini comes along and shakes our thinking up showing us there are solutions and alternatives that we hadn’t considered before. The communicative side of a Gemini moon can help us “talk-out” our problems with others and maybe get some much needed advice.
Gemini is ruled by the speedy messenger to the gods Mercury. Mercury went retrograde on November 26 and will go direct on the day of the full moon December 15. Any misunderstandings or mis-communications we had during Mercury retrograde can now get cleared up as Mercury goes direct. The spiritual purpose behind Mercury retrograde is to stop, slow down, unplug and re-think our plans. It’s during Mercury retrograde when we can realize our current plans need some revisions. As Mercury goes direct we can put those revised plans into action. If you need or want something now is the time to speak up. This Mercury retrograde happened in the sign of Sagittarius, the sign of travel, so if you have plans to travel during the holidays Mercury going direct is really good news.
Flourite, sodalite and lapis lazuli are great stones to work with during this full moon in Gemini. Flourite can aid us in getting our chaotic thinking under control while sodalite helps with our throat chakra and communication problems. Lapis lazuli is also good for communication issues but it also helps us open our third eye, the chakra that helps us see our lives from a higher, more spiritual perspective.
December 21 is the Winter Solstice. This is not only the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere but each year the Winter Solstice is the first day of Capricorn.
Have a great full moon in Gemini and we hope to see you in the store soon. Take care and happy holidays.
Kevin Casey is an astrologer and card reader who first encountered metaphysics in 1991 through the spiritual text A Course in Miracles. He began his reading practice in 2003 and joined Body Mind & Soul as a reader in 2007. His blend of astrology, numerology, and Tarot make for fascinating and insightful readings and his undying passion for pop music allows him to look at popular culture through astrological and metaphysical eyes.
He is available for both 30-minute and 1-hour personal readings at Body Mind & Soul. Bookings can be reserved at
Illustration courtesy Pexels and Gerd Altmann from Pixabay