The moon is on her way to being full this Thursday October 17 in the fiery sign of Aries at 6:26 am CST. Full moons occur every month when the sun and moon are in opposite signs at the exact same degree; for this particular lunation the sun will be at 24 degrees Libra while the moon will be in the opposite sign of Aries at 24 degrees. Full moons cast light on things that were previously hidden like secrets. In astrology the moon is associated with our feelings so when the moon is full our emotions can feel amplified and overwhelming. Our goal during this this time of tension and instability is to find a sense of balance. This full moon is also a supermoon. A supermoon occurs when the moon is full and at its closest point to the earth during its orbit thus making the moon look unusually large. Being in the fiery sign of Aries dare to express yourself and put yourself out there!

Element, Modality and the Full Moon in Aries

 Aries belongs to the fire element meaning this is a sign associated with courage, boldness, passion and enthusiasm. There is also a flair for the dramatic and the theatrical when a fire sign arrives on the scene. Just looking at the keywords linked to the fire element we could say a full moon in Aries could push us to get out of our comfort zone by being courageous, by taking a chance. Besides being a fire sign Aries also belongs to the cardinal modality. Being a cardinal sign means Aries energy likes to start and initiate things. Instead of sitting around analyzing life cardinal signs have an urge to act. So again, we get this vibe of action related to a full moon in Aries.

Mars and the Full Moon in Aries

Mars plays an important role in this full moon. Each astrological sign has a planetary ruler and for Aries that planet is Mars. Mars, the warrior planet in astrology, will be making a square aspect to this full moon. A square in astrology means Mars will be in a difficult and antagonistic relationship with both the sun and moon. Mars in difficult aspect to the moon means we or those around us could find ourselves being irritable, impatient, frustrated and difficult to deal with. Mars making a difficult aspect to the sun could give us a boost of energy and enthusiasm but we could come off as pushy and overly aggressive. The Mars square sun aspect can also make us accident prone so we want to be sure we’re being present in the moment and paying attention to what we’re doing. Mars in aspect to the sun can make us feel invincible.

The 1st House and the Full Moon in Aries

Each astrological sign naturally rules one of the twelve astrological houses. Aries is the natural ruler of the 1st House. The 1st House is the angle on the astrological wheel that rules how we project ourselves out into the material world. Me, I, our sense of self is related to the astrological 1st House. With this in mind we could find ourselves wanting to change something about our physical presence like getting a new haircut or buying some new clothes. With a full moon in Aries we may feel its time for a glow-up or dismantling an old image of yourself and building a new you. If you’re someone who always plays a supporting role to others you could decide that this time you would like to take the spotlight. A full moon in Aries can push us to put ourselves first for a while.

Have a great Full Moon in Aries and we hope to see you in the store soon. Take care.


Kevin Casey is an astrologer and card reader who first encountered metaphysics in 1991 through the spiritual text A Course in Miracles. He began his reading practice in 2003 and joined Body Mind & Soul as a reader in 2007. His blend of astrology, numerology, and Tarot make for fascinating and insightful readings and his undying passion for pop music allows him to look at popular culture through astrological and metaphysical eyes.

 He is available for both 30-minute and 1-hour personal readings at Body Mind & Soul. Bookings can be reserved at

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