In the vast and wondrous world of crystals, there exists a gemstone that embodies the essence of life itself: Garnierite. Often referred to as Green Moonstone, this unique crystal is a variety of Serpentine with a high Nickel content, which gives it that distinguishable green hue. But Garnierite is more than just a pretty stone; it holds a wealth of metaphysical and healing properties that can transform your life in profound ways.

Origins and History

Garnierite was first discovered in 1867 by Jacque Jules Garnier in the French-controlled New Caledonia. This South Pacific landmass, located near Australia, has become crucial for Nickel extraction, with an estimated 10% of the world’s entire Nickel content being located under the island. Since its discovery, Garnierite has been named after its discoverer and has become a sought-after crystal for its unique properties.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties

Garnierite is a type of Serpentine crystal characterized by its typical pistachio green color, often with streaks and spots. It is associated with the heart, throat, and third-eye chakras, making it an excellent tool for emotional and spiritual healing. This crystal is also linked to the zodiac signs of Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius, adding to its versatility in energy work.

Healing Properties

Garnierite is renowned for its ability to attract prosperity, luck, especially in games of chance, and bring us closer to our desires. It reminds us of our inner Divinity and our ability to create and manifest. As a Heart Chakra stone, it promotes self-love and friendship by allowing us to recognize the powerful radiance of ourselves and those around us.

Emotional Healing

One of the most significant healing properties of Garnierite is its ability to heal deep, traumatic wounds. The green rays from this crystal conjure loving vibrations that ease emotional stress and ignite a newfound sense of passion. Whether you’re feeling lost or creatively blocked, Garnierite can help you overcome whatever ails the soul. It fills your spirit with a sense of safety, making the fears of moving forward or trying something new subside.

Physical Healing

Garnierite also has a profound impact on the physical body. It encourages streamlined thinking during creative projects and academic work, helping you bring order to your jumbled thoughts and get work done more efficiently. The emotional cleansing and strength-building benefits of Garnierite can lead to better overall clarity, making your brain less foggy and helping you think more clearly.

Spiritual Growth

As a spiritual amulet, Garnierite channels the spiritual energy and harmonizes your being. It helps in healing old wounds and opens up space for love and affection. This crystal is known to remove blockages of the heart and mind, motivating you to listen to your guides and let them lead you on your spiritual journey. It reminds us that endurance builds the strength we need to overcome challenges in life, making it a symbol of reformation and forbearance.

Using Garnierite in Meditation

Garnierite is an excellent crystal for meditation. When used alongside other stones like Malachite, its energies work together to assist in easier access to the emotional body. The combination of these crystals creates a powerful healing session that can help you overcome emotional blocks and achieve a deeper level of self-awareness. During meditation, place Garnierite in your sacred space or carry it with you to receive its many benefits. Allow the gentle vibrations of this stone to fill your auric field and etheric body, promoting feelings of bliss and tranquility.

Cleansing and Charging Garnierite

To maintain the positive energy of Garnierite, it is crucial to cleanse and charge it regularly. Here are some simple tips to keep your Garnierite crystal clean and charged:

  1. Moonlight Cleansing: Place your Garnierite under the light of the full moon. The moon's gentle rays will cleanse and recharge the crystal.
  2. Smudging: Use sage or palo santo to smudge your Garnierite. This method helps remove negative energy and purify the stone.
  3. Water Therapy: Soak your Garnierite in clean, filtered water. This method is particularly effective for stones that are safe to be exposed to water, like Garnierite.

Practical Uses of Garnierite

Garnierite can be used in various ways to enhance your life. Here are some practical uses:

  1. Manifestation: Use Garnierite to attract prosperity and luck. Write down your intentions and place them under the crystal in a sacred space. This can be a powerful manifestation ceremony to bring your desires into reality.
  2. Emotional Healing: Place Garnierite near your heart chakra to promote emotional healing and balance. This can help you overcome past traumas and pain, leading to healthier coping mechanisms and better communication.
  3. Physical Health: Use Garnierite to improve mental clarity and physical well-being. Its calming energies can help ground and inspire you, making it an excellent tool for those feeling overwhelmed or stuck.
  4. Creative Inspiration: Garnierite is known to kindle the spark of creativity and wonder. Use it to inspire new ideas and approaches, helping you reimagine how things will work out.

Recent Discoveries

Recently, a new batch of Garnierite has been found in the Valorozo lateritic nickel deposit in Madagascar. This fresh supply has brought attention to the crystal's versatility and potential in various forms, including palmstones, spheres, and free forms.


In summary, Garnierite is a powerful crystal that offers a wide range of metaphysical and healing properties. From attracting prosperity and luck to promoting emotional healing and spiritual growth, this stone is a valuable addition to any crystal collection. Whether you’re looking to overcome emotional blocks, improve your mental clarity, or simply connect with the universe, Garnierite is an excellent choice. So, the next time you find yourself in need of a little guidance or healing, remember the gentle yet powerful vibrations of Garnierite, and let its loving energy guide you on your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.