The moon is on her way to being new this coming Monday September 2 in the earthy sign of Virgo at 8:56pm CST. New moons occur every month when the sun and moon are in the exact same sign at the exact same degree; in astrology this is known as a conjunction. For this current new moon the sun and moon will both be at 11 degrees of Virgo. New moons are linked to new beginnings so this is the perfect time each month to make wishes and set new intentions. The day before the new moon is known as the dark moon. We can benefit from the energy of the dark moon by getting in some alone time to self-reflect.

Virgo belongs to the earth element meaning this is a sign that values productivity, practicality, solutions and results. Virgo loves order so get yourself, your home and your work space organized. Virgo abhors clutter and chaos. We can make room for the new by getting rid of things that are no longer useful to us. Virgo energy loves a good list so create a checklist or to-do list. Getting organized, cleaning and creating to-do lists can help us with one of Virgo’s keywords; anxiety. Analysis-paralysis which is nothing more than overthinking a situation or decision, can keep us in an endless loop of anxiety and negative thinking. Doing something physical like organizing or cleaning can distract our conscious minds from all the negative chatter.

Virgo is linked to the astrological 6th House; the angle in our chart that rules our everyday work situation, our habits and our health. If you’ve been exhausting yourself by working too much and burning the candle at both ends your body could rebel with sickness. The new moon in Virgo can be a wake-up call to give yourself a break and start taking care of yourself by changing your diet and bad habits. How are you managing your life right now? Are you taking on too much or pushing yourself too much expecting perfection? Are you taking on duties and responsibilities that don’t belong to you?

Uranus Retrograde

On September 1 the day before the new moon in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus will go retrograde until January 30, 2025. In astrology, Uranus is sometimes called the Great Awakener. Uranus can shock us into reality or change or both. Uranus has been transiting the sign of Taurus since May of 2018 and will be there until April of 2026. Taurus is the sign linked to money and finances. As Uranus goes retrograde in the sign of the Bull we may find ourselves putting out money on unexpected costs pushing us to rethink our finances or tighten up on our finances. The economic rollercoaster the world has been on since Covid 19 in 2020 is a classic example of the disrupter Uranus transiting the financial sign of Taurus.

Pluto Retrograde

On the day of the new moon, Pluto will retrograde one last time in the sign of Capricorn. On October 12, 2024 Pluto will go direct in Capricorn and then enter the sign of Aquarius on November 19, 2024 where it will stay until January 19, 2044. Pluto is linked to deep change, total transformation and finances while Capricorn is linked to government and tradition. During the Covid 19 lockdowns the United States was having it’s Pluto return, meaning, Pluto had returned to its exact position in the United States’ astrological chart. This transit of Pluto in Capricorn has exposed all of our dark secrets including the dark underbelly of American politics, finances and corporations. As Pluto moves into Aquarius we’ll be putting ourselves as a nation back together in a new way. Pluto in Aquarius will be a “power to the people” moment.


Kevin Casey is an astrologer and card reader who first encountered metaphysics in 1991 through the spiritual text A Course in Miracles. He began his reading practice in 2003 and joined Body Mind & Soul as a reader in 2007. His blend of astrology, numerology, and Tarot make for fascinating and insightful readings and his undying passion for pop music allows him to look at popular culture through astrological and metaphysical eyes.

 He is available for both 30-minute and 1-hour personal readings at Body Mind & Soul. Bookings can be reserved at


Leo art courtesy Jills from Pixabay