The moon is on her way to being new Wednesday October 2 in the airy sign of Libra at 1:49 pm CST.  New moons occur every month when the sun and moon are in the same sign at the exact same degree; in astrology this is known as a conjunction.  For this particular lunation both the sun and moon will be at 10 degrees of Libra.  New moons are linked with new beginnings so this makes it the perfect time each month to make wishes or set new intentions.  The day before the new moon is the dark moon.  Dark moons are a time for silence, self-reflection, meditation and clearing out what you no longer need.  Our psychic intuitive vibe is on high during a dark moon so this would be a great day to do some journaling or give yourself a tarot or oracle card reading. 

This new moon is also a solar eclipse.  Solar eclipses can only occur on new moons like lunar eclipses only happen on full moons.  Astronomically speaking, a solar eclipse occurs when the moon is between the sun and Earth partially or totally blocking out the light of the sun.  You can think of a solar eclipse as a more dramatic new moon and they have the potential to invoke great change in our lives for the next six months.  


Libra & the New Moon Solar Eclipse

As mentioned above this new moon solar eclipse happens in the sign of Libra.  Some keywords linked to Libra are harmony, charm, diplomacy, negotiation, indecision, appearances, justice, elegance, civility, design and glamour.  Libra belongs to the trigon of air signs meaning this is a sign that places special emphasis on thinking, analysis, communication and making connections.  Taking a keyword for Libra like harmony and combining it with keywords for the air element, communication and making connections and it isn’t hard to see we’re looking for peace and harmony in our relationships at this time.  If you’ve had a dispute or argument with someone important in your life, a new moon in Libra opens a door to restore the peace.  Mercury, the planet of communication, is also in the sign of Libra and will be making a conjunction to the sun and moon.  In Roman mythology Mercury was the messenger to the gods.  With Mercury in the mix this really makes our communication of utmost importance right now. 


Venus & the New Moon Solar Eclipse

Venus plays a special role in this particular eclipse because she’s the planetary ruler of Libra.  Venus is currently in the watery, deep and mysterious sign of Scorpio.  The astrological Venus is linked to romance, love and relationships so with Venus in Scorpio we’re looking for depth and intensity in our relationships.  Venus in Scorpio says go deep or go home.  Some of us may meet someone special and begin a romantic relationship.  Libra and its planetary ruler Venus both love beauty, art and design.  This new moon would be a great time to beautify your living space or office. This new moon is the perfect time to ‘eclipse’ the clutter right out of your life.  


The Astrological 7th House & the New Moon Solar Eclipse

With the sun, moon and Mercury in Libra, this little trio is hanging out in the cosmic 7th House.  Just like there are twelve signs there are also twelve astrological houses.  Libra and its planetary ruler Venus are the natural rulers of the 7th House.  This angle of the astrological chart, the 7th House, is linked with ‘the other’ so things like unions, partnerships, marriage, contracts, agreements, compromise and lawsuits could be of central importance for some of us.  The shadow side of both Libra and Venus is vanity.  We might find ourselves a little too self-obsessed at this time.  We may be a little too concerned with outer appearances, how things look from the outside.  We may see ourselves as innocent in a certain situation and want to blame others for what is going wrong in our lives.  Instead of blaming others we may need to take a long hard look in the mirror. 

We may not see things instantly manifest on the exact day of the eclipse.  Eclipses have a tendency to set things in motion with the results coming months later.  

Have a great new moon solar eclipse everyone and we hope to see you in the store soon.


Kevin Casey is an astrologer and card reader who first encountered metaphysics in 1991 through the spiritual text A Course in Miracles. He began his reading practice in 2003 and joined Body Mind & Soul as a reader in 2007. His blend of astrology, numerology, and Tarot make for fascinating and insightful readings and his undying passion for pop music allows him to look at popular culture through astrological and metaphysical eyes.

 He is available for both 30-minute and 1-hour personal readings at Body Mind & Soul. Bookings can be reserved at