Cultivate a deep sense of contentment with your life and your relationships and realign with your life’s purpose and goals. We’ll explore your past and present in order to discover your passions, enrich your profession life, and strengthen your self-awareness.

What is a Life Path Coaching session?

During a Life Path Coaching session, your “coach” will ask you questions regarding what you want out of life, where you are unhappy, and what you see yourself doing. They will also help you consider your current path and different avenues for growth and expansion. Together you will clarify your goals and discuss how to obtain them. They may use methods such as visualization, art, music, meditation, etc. to help empower you to move forward.

When should you get a Life Path Coaching session?

Anytime that you feel it would help. Many people seek out life path coaching when they feel stuck in their situation in life. They may feel irritable and dissatisfied in their environment, be at home, career, education, personal relationships etc. People also come to life sessions when they feel creatively blocked, when they feel high levels of stress and anxiety regularly, or they just can’t seem to shake a bad habit or two.

How to prepare for your Life Path Coaching session:

Before you begin your session, it is important to take some time to consider your intention for the session as well as your current situation in life. Think about what you would like to work on in terms of life, self, career, emotions, etc. Consider areas of your life that you feel that you are struggling with and would like guidance on. Consider what areas of your life are going well.

It may be helpful to write these down with paper and pen or type them in the notes feature on your smartphone. Come into the session with an open mind and an openness to receive assistance. 

You can bring a journal and a writing utensil. If writing is not your style, you can download a recording app on your smart phone. (Make sure to test it out before your session though). If your reading is over Zoom, you could ask the reader to record the session and send it to you via email. In any kind of reading a lot of information and emotions can come up. 

It can be difficult to remember what exactly was said (especially days or weeks after). Recording your session can give you a way to go back and listen again. It is appropriate to ask the reader first if it is okay to record. Keep in mind that the recording is for you and your growth purposes and is not something that should be shared on social media platforms or websites of any kind unless consent is given by the reader.

Our Life Path Coaching Practitioners

Sarah Gish

Dreamcatching and Finding Your Life’s Purpose

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