The moon is on her way to being full this Tuesday September 17 in the watery sign of Pisces at 9:34pm CST. Full moons occur every month when the sun and moon are in opposite signs at the exact same degree; for this particular full moon the sun will be at 25 degrees of Virgo while the moon will be in the opposite sign of Pisces at 25 degrees. In astrology the moon represents our feelings and moods so when the moon is full our feelings and moods tend to be amplified. Sometimes we can feel like we’re being overwhelmed by our emotions during a full moon. Full moons can create a sense of tension and instability; we can feel like we’re being pulled in two different directions. Full moons can bring a situation to completion and they can cast light on what was previously hidden.

This full moon in Pisces is also a lunar eclipse. In a typical year we have two lunar eclipses, some we have only one and sometimes we have none. Lunar eclipses occur when the sun, earth and moon are lined up and the earth is between the sun and the moon; lunar eclipses only happen on full moons just like solar eclipses only happen on new moons. You can think of a lunar eclipse as a hyped-up, dramatic full moon. If we’re in denial about something a lunar eclipse can come along and force us to deal with the situation.

The third component of this lunation is it’s also a supermoon. A supermoon occurs when the moon is full and at its closest point to the earth during its orbit thus making the moon look unusually large. Being in the sign of Pisces this full moon supermoon could bring out the drama queen/king in all of us.

Pisces belongs to the water element meaning this is full moon will place extra emphasis on feelings, moods, intuition and relationships. During a full moon in Pisces we could all be feeling a bit more sensitive and tender. Situations and conversations could pack a more emotional punch during this time. We could take things the wrong way and find ourselves easily hurt by the words of others.

Words like illusions, delusions and hallucinations are also linked to Pisces and Pisces’ ruling planet Neptune. Under Pisces’ influence our reality and perceptions can be distorted meaning we see only what we want to see instead of the truth of a situation. Before making a major decision at this time we may want to check-in with a trusted friend or family member to make sure we aren’t deceiving ourselves.

Neptune plays an important role in this lunar eclipse because it’s the planetary ruler of Pisces. In fact, not only is Neptune in its very own sign of Pisces but it will only be 3 degrees away from the full moon lunar eclipse. Neptune is the planet of mysticism so we could find ourselves connecting with or reconnecting with our mystical side. We connect with our mystical side when we pay attention to the coincidences happening around us, we see life through our third eye meaning we see the situations and people in our lives from a deeper perspective, we pay attention to the signs and symbols the Universe sends our way. When we get tangled up in the dramas of the material world, we learn to surrender which is another keyword linked to both Neptune and Pisces, we learn to let go. When we let go we gain wisdom from our dramas and sufferings.

Have a great full moon supermoon lunar eclipse and we hope to see you in the store soon.


Kevin Casey is an astrologer and card reader who first encountered metaphysics in 1991 through the spiritual text A Course in Miracles. He began his reading practice in 2003 and joined Body Mind & Soul as a reader in 2007. His blend of astrology, numerology, and Tarot make for fascinating and insightful readings and his undying passion for pop music allows him to look at popular culture through astrological and metaphysical eyes.

 He is available for both 30-minute and 1-hour personal readings at Body Mind & Soul. Bookings can be reserved at

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