Howlite meaning is beautifully embodied in this striking stone, known for its white surface veined with grey or black. This mineral, primarily composed of calcium borate, is not only aesthetically pleasing but also holds significant metaphysical properties. Renowned for its calming energy, Howlite is often sought after by those looking to enhance their emotional well-being and spiritual growth. As we explore the various aspects of Howlite, we will delve into its meanings, healing properties, and how it can be integrated into daily life. Additionally, we will examine the historical significance of Howlite, its uses in various cultures, and practical tips for selecting and caring for your Howlite stones.

The Origins of Howlite

Discovered in the mid-19th century by the mineralogist Henry How, this stone was named in his honor. Howlite is primarily found in evaporite deposits, where it forms through the evaporation of water in saline environments. Its unique formation process contributes to its distinct appearance and energetic properties. The stone is often mined in regions such as Canada and the United States, making it accessible for both collectors and those seeking its healing benefits. In addition to North America, Howlite can also be found in other parts of the world, including Europe and Asia, where it is sometimes confused with other minerals due to its similar appearance. This widespread availability has led to its popularity in both the metaphysical community and the jewelry market.

The Origins of Howlite

Physical Characteristics

Howlite is characterized by its porous texture and soft, chalky feel. Typically, it appears in a white or greyish hue, with striking black or dark grey veins running through it. This unique coloration not only adds to its visual appeal but also enhances its energetic properties. The stone is relatively soft, scoring a 3.5 on the Mohs scale, which makes it easy to carve and shape into various forms, including beads and cabochons. Its softness also means that Howlite can be easily scratched or damaged, so care should be taken when handling or storing it. Despite its delicate nature, Howlite is often polished to a high sheen, which enhances its beauty and makes it a popular choice for decorative items and jewelry. The stone's porous nature allows it to absorb essential oils, making it a wonderful addition to aromatherapy practices.

Howlite Meaning in Jewelry

Due to its softness and beauty, Howlite is often used in jewelry making. It can be found in various forms, such as necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Wearing Howlite jewelry allows individuals to carry its calming energy with them throughout the day. Additionally, the stone's ability to be dyed means it can be found in a variety of colors, appealing to a wide range of personal styles. Many artisans and jewelers appreciate Howlite for its versatility, as it can be combined with other gemstones to create stunning pieces that not only look beautiful but also offer a variety of metaphysical benefits. For example, Howlite is often paired with stones like turquoise or amethyst to enhance its calming properties while adding a pop of color. Furthermore, Howlite beads are popular in mala necklaces, which are used for meditation and prayer, allowing practitioners to focus their intentions while wearing the stone close to their heart.

Metaphysical Properties of Howlite

Howlite meaning is revered for its calming and soothing properties. It is believed to help alleviate stress and anxiety, making it an ideal stone for those who lead busy lives or face emotional challenges. The stone's energy encourages patience and promotes a sense of tranquility, allowing individuals to approach situations with a clear mind and open heart. Many people find that simply holding Howlite during moments of stress can help ground them and bring a sense of peace. In addition to its calming effects, Howlite is also thought to enhance spiritual awareness and facilitate a deeper connection to one's higher self. This makes it a valuable tool for those on a spiritual journey, as it can help to clear mental clutter and promote clarity of thought.

Emotional Healing

One of the most significant benefits of Howlite is its ability to facilitate emotional healing. It encourages the release of negative emotions and promotes a sense of peace. By working with Howlite, individuals can confront their feelings and gain a deeper understanding of their emotional landscape. This process can lead to greater self-awareness and emotional resilience. Howlite meaning is particularly beneficial for those who struggle with anger or frustration, as it helps to calm the mind and diffuse intense emotions. Many practitioners recommend placing Howlite under your pillow or on your nightstand to promote restful sleep and encourage emotional healing during the night. Additionally, Howlite can be used in conjunction with other healing practices, such as journaling or therapy, to support emotional processing and growth.

Enhancing Communication

Howlite is also known for its ability to enhance communication. It encourages individuals to express their thoughts and feelings openly, fostering healthier relationships. By promoting honest dialogue, Howlite helps to dissolve misunderstandings and encourages empathy. This quality makes it a valuable stone for those looking to improve their interpersonal skills. In group settings, Howlite can help to create a more harmonious atmosphere, allowing for open discussions and collaborative problem-solving. Many people find that carrying Howlite during meetings or important conversations can help them articulate their thoughts more clearly and listen more attentively to others. Furthermore, Howlite is often recommended for those who work in fields that require strong communication skills, such as counseling, teaching, or public speaking, as it can help to alleviate anxiety and promote confidence.

Using Howlite Meaning in Daily Life

Integrating Howlite into your daily routine can be a transformative experience. Whether through meditation, wearing it as jewelry, or placing it in your living space, this stone can enhance your overall well-being. Here are some practical ways to incorporate Howlite into your life. Additionally, understanding the best practices for cleansing and charging your Howlite can further enhance its effectiveness and longevity.

Using Howlite Meaning in Daily Life

Meditation Practices

Using Howlite during meditation can deepen your practice and enhance your connection to your inner self. Holding the stone in your hand or placing it on your third eye can help to quiet the mind and promote a state of relaxation. This practice allows for a more profound exploration of your thoughts and feelings, facilitating emotional release and clarity. To maximize the benefits of Howlite during meditation, consider creating a dedicated space where you can sit comfortably and focus on your breath. You may also want to incorporate guided meditations that emphasize emotional healing or stress relief. Some practitioners find it helpful to visualize the calming energy of Howlite enveloping them, creating a protective barrier against negative thoughts and emotions. Additionally, you can use Howlite in combination with other crystals, such as amethyst or rose quartz, to amplify its effects and create a more powerful meditative experience.

Creating a Calming Space

Howlite can also be used to create a calming environment in your home or workspace. Placing Howlite crystals in areas where you spend a lot of time can help to promote a peaceful atmosphere. Consider using Howlite in your meditation corner or on your desk to encourage a serene and focused mindset. You can also create a crystal grid using Howlite and other complementary stones to enhance the energy of your space. For example, combining Howlite with clear quartz can amplify its calming properties, while pairing it with black tourmaline can help to protect against negative energies. Additionally, incorporating Howlite into your home decor, such as using it in decorative bowls or as part of a centerpiece, can serve as a constant reminder to cultivate peace and tranquility in your daily life. Regularly rearranging your crystals and experimenting with different placements can also help to keep the energy in your space fresh and vibrant.

Howlite Meaning in Different Cultures

Throughout history, Howlite meaning has been utilized in various cultures for its unique properties and aesthetic appeal. Indigenous peoples of North America have long valued Howlite for its beauty and have used it in traditional jewelry and ceremonial items. The stone's calming energy has made it a popular choice for spiritual practices, where it is believed to enhance meditation and promote emotional balance. In some cultures, Howlite is associated with the moon and is thought to carry lunar energy, which is often linked to intuition and emotional healing. This connection to the moon has led to its use in rituals and ceremonies aimed at fostering emotional clarity and spiritual growth. Additionally, Howlite has been used in Feng Shui practices, where it is believed to promote harmony and balance in the home. By placing Howlite in specific areas of the home, practitioners aim to enhance the flow of positive energy and create a more peaceful living environment.

Choosing and Caring for Your Howlite

When selecting Howlite for personal use, it is essential to choose stones that resonate with you. Look for pieces that feel good in your hand and evoke a sense of calm when you hold them. Whether you prefer polished stones, raw specimens, or intricately carved pieces, the most important factor is that the stone feels right for you. Once you have chosen your Howlite, it is crucial to care for it properly to maintain its energetic properties. Regularly cleansing your Howlite is recommended, as it can absorb negative energies over time. You can cleanse your stone by rinsing it under running water, placing it in a bowl of saltwater, or using sound cleansing methods, such as singing bowls or tuning forks. After cleansing, it is beneficial to charge your Howlite by placing it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours, allowing it to recharge its energy. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your Howlite remains a powerful ally in your journey toward emotional healing and personal growth.


Howlite is a powerful stone that offers a multitude of benefits for emotional healing and personal growth. Its calming energy, combined with its ability to enhance communication, makes it a valuable tool for anyone seeking to improve their emotional well-being. By incorporating Howlite into your daily life, you can harness its energy to promote peace, patience, and understanding. Whether through meditation, jewelry, or simply having it nearby, Howlite can serve as a gentle reminder to embrace tranquility and foster emotional resilience. As you explore the many facets of Howlite, you may find that it becomes an integral part of your spiritual journey, guiding you toward greater self-awareness and emotional balance.

Choosing and Caring for Your Howlite

Embark on your journey towards serenity and self-discovery with Howlite from Body Mind & Soul. Whether you're taking your first steps into the realm of spiritual and metaphysical traditions or seeking to deepen your understanding of mindful living and sacred spaces, our selection of Howlite crystals is curated to support your path. Shop Howlite today and let its calming energy guide you to emotional well-being and spiritual growth.