Prabhuji's Gifts Chakra Resin
Prabhuji's Gifts exotic resin incense is Certified Vegan and made in accordance to ancient shamanic wisdom. It is blended and infused with prayers and special mantras in order to open and stimulate the seven main energetic centers located in our astral bodies. Its authentic aroma is so powerful that a 1/2 teaspoon of resin on a small piece of charcoal fills a room.
Muladhara (Root) - Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal, Bay Leaves, Sandalwood, Lavender, Sugar, Rosemary, Orange Peel, Cinnamon, Rose Petals, Earth Pigment, Amber, Jojoba Oil
Svadhisthana (Sacral) - Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal, Bay Leaves, Sandalwood, Lavender, Sugar, Rosemary, Orange Peel, Cinnamon, Rose Petals, Earth Pigment, Amber, Vanilla Scented Oil
Manipura (Solar Plexus) - Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal, Bay Leaves, Sandalwood, Lavender, Sugar, Rosemary, Orange Peel, Cinnamon, Rose Petals, Earth Pigment, Amber, Lavender Essential Oil
Anahata (Heart) - Frankincense, Copal, Myrrh, Rosemary, Lavender, Sugar, Clove, Sandalwood Powder, Rose Petals, Earth Pigment, Rose Scented Oil
Vishuddha (Throat) - Frankincense, Copal, Myrrh, Rosemary, Lavender, Sugar, Clove, Sandalwood Powder, Rose Petals, Earth Pigment, Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Ajna (Third Eye) - Frankincense, Copal, Myrrh, Rosemary, Lavender, Sugar, Clove, Sandalwood Powder, Rose Petals, Earth Pigment, Jasmine Essential Oil
Sahasrara (Crown) - Frankincense, Copal, Myrrh, Rosemary, Lavender, Sugar, Clove, Sandalwood Powder, Rose Petals, Earth Pigment, Lotus Scented Oil
Body Mind & Soul is Houston's favorite crystal shop & metaphysical store, with great offerings like Prabhuji's Gifts Chakra Resin. If you have any questions about products or classes, please contact us.
Please note: Some products offered on our website are rooted in traditional and spiritual beliefs, and their benefits may not be scientifically proven, and cannot be guaranteed. For more information on the intended use and limitations of these products, please see our Disclaimer.