Body Mind & Soul Blog

Read our most recent blogposts on current astrology transits, store updates, and helpful how-to's from some of our favorite staff & guest writers.

New Moon in Pisces

New Moon in Pisces

The moon is on her way to being new this Wednesday, March 2 in the watery sign of Pisces at 11:35 am CST.  Many of us will be like psychic sponges absorbing the thoughts and feelings of those around us, so it’s important you have good boundaries at this time. But pay attention to repeating numbers, words, or pictures that keep popping up in your world!
Denise Welling
Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon in Leo

The moon is on her way to being full this Wednesday February 16 in the fiery sign of Leo at 10:56 am CST.  Leo is focused on the self, on “me,” while Aquarius encourages rebellion and revolution.  Standing up for yourself or daring to be true to yourself in spite of resistance from others can be a key theme for this full moon!
Denise Welling
Tagged: full moon Leo
New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius

The moon will be new this Tuesday February 1 in the airy sign of Aquarius at 12:46 am EST and 11:46pm late Monday night CST.  The new moon in Aquarius allows us to consider new ideas, thoughts, beliefs and perspectives - expect the unexpected!  The new moon in Aquarius can also restore our confidence, so take a moment this new moon to embrace and celebrate your individuality.  
Denise Welling
Full Moon in Cancer

Full Moon in Cancer

The moon is on her way to being full this Monday, January 17 at 5:48 pm CST in the watery sign of Cancer.  This is a deep and intense full moon because Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, will be opposite the moon, helping pull up deep emotions we’ve stored or hidden away.  Reach out to others or change something about your living space as a way to start moving through the emotional debris of the past year.
Denise Welling
Tagged: cancer full moon